Question about 125cc brands available in Poland

Strona główna Fora Opinie Question about 125cc brands available in Poland


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  • #37541 Reply
    Pedro Duque

    Hello guys,

    Sorry for the english language but unfortunately I dont speak Polish yet.

    I’m new here and I’m looking to start getting into the motorcycle scene.

    For starting point I plan to buy a 125cc but I’ve been looking around and I cannot find brands like Bullit, Mutt, Brixton, Mash etc. for sale here in Poland (I would like to buy something like a Scrambler or Cafe).

    Do you guys know if I buy a moto from one of that brands somewhere in Europe for example I will have technical assistance available for this brands here in Poland?

    I also see that around here there is a lot of Zipp and Romet (the ones I like the must) I see that you guys write that they are made in china but they have a good technical assistance here in Poland?

    I also see the Mondial HPS 125, Husqvarna Svartpilen 125 and the upcoming Yamaha XSR 125 I do bealive that this ones are better and probably have better technical assistance but they are a bit to expensive for my budget (plan to by used for starting point).

    Thanks and sorry once again for the english.
    Can’t wait to starting riding a nice bike around Poland

    #37543 Reply

    Przykro że nie wykazałeś się żadną inwencją w kwestii tłumaczenia a to takie proste. Tłumacz google i jest . Szkoda gadać.
    Sorry that you didn’t show any creativity when it comes to translating and it’s that simple. Google translate and it is. It’s not worth talking .

    #37545 Reply
    Pedro Duque

    Cześć chłopaki,

    Przepraszam za google translate ale niestety nie mówię jeszcze po polsku.

    Jestem tu nowy i chcę zacząć wkraczać na scenę motocyklową.

    Na początek planuję kupić 125cc, ale rozejrzałem się i nie mogę znaleźć marek takich jak Bullit, Mutt, Brixton, Mash itp. na sprzedaż tutaj w Polsce (chciałbym kupić coś takiego jak Scrambler lub Cafe).

    Czy wiecie, że jeśli kupię moto jednej z tych marek gdzieś w Europie, na przykład będę miał pomoc techniczną dla tych marek tutaj w Polsce?

    Widzę też, że w okolicy jest dużo Zippa i Rometa (te, które lubię koniecznie) Widzę, że piszecie, że są robione w chinach, ale mają dobrą pomoc techniczną w Polsce?

    Widzę też Mondial HPS 125, Husqvarna Svartpilen 125 i nadchodzącą Yamahę XSR 125. Wierzę, że te są lepsze i prawdopodobnie mają lepszą pomoc techniczną, ale są trochę za drogie jak na mój budżet (planuję użyć jako punkt wyjścia) .

    Dzięki i jeszcze raz przepraszam za tłumaczenie google.
    Nie mogę się doczekać rozpoczęcia jazdy fajnym rowerem po Polsce

    #37546 Reply
    Pedro Duque

    If you are such a creative smart ass why you don’t simply translate and answer my simple question tho?

    #37547 Reply

    Bo impertynencją lub głupotą jest pisać na obcym forum i nie pokusić się o przetłumaczenie zapytania w 21 wieku. A z chamstwem i głupkami się nie dyskutuje.
    Troszkę ogłady, parę lat nauki i może zrozumiesz dzisiejszy świat.
    Nie pozdrawiam i mam nadzieję, że znikniesz niedouczony troglodyto.

    #37548 Reply
    Pedro Duque

    Now. I’m the rude person? You are being rude. If you don’t have a constructive answer for my specific question simply don’t answer at all. What you basically are doing is just wasting my time over this nothing else. You can always try to put your frustration somewhere else I just could not care less about what you have to say, you are just being useless nothing else to add here.

    #37549 Reply

    I vice versa.

    #37550 Reply

    Bullit, Mash, Mutt are brands exist on foreign markets, to sell China motorcycles o those markets. Similar job on polish market is doing Junak, Zipp, Romet, etc.
    Idea to buy motorcycle from china on brand which doesn’t exist on polish market is not good idea, because here you will get problem with after sales support. Brixton and Mondial are brands which exist on polish market too, but have in Poland weak service support. Best idea is to buy motorcycle from international brand like Yamaha, Honda, Kymco, Keeway, because they exist in most European countries and it shouldn’t be a problem to service them in any country.

    #37552 Reply

    Jaś ty to jednak jesteś idiotą, ale gratuluje, umiesz angielski i ściągać gacie mama będzie dumna. Proponuje zmienić nazwę na jaś5kolumna. Kontekst ma znaczenie ale nie dla wszystkich jak widać.

    Prośba: kolego nie zaśmiecaj tematu

    #37553 Reply
    Pedro Duque

    Thanks for the reply and the help on this matter. The must important part for sure is to have a good technical assistance after buying. I’ve been looking into Aprilia and new Honda that might be the best choice even if the price is a bit higher.

    #37557 Reply

    @Anonim, na Twoje szczęście na forum admini dają więcej swobody wypowiedzi niż w komentarzach…

    #37558 Reply
    Beniamin Mucha

    Tell me how are the opinions of Brixton in your country?
    You mention this brand, and this brand was in Poland imported by Almot.
    And from this year the import will be organised by 4cV. Distributor of Malagutti.
    The bikes are produced in China – Wonjan

    Consider that we, here in Poland have a bad opinion about chineese bikes, because the first chineese bikes imported to Poland where the cheapest ones.
    Now times are changing, in my opnion the chineese bikes quality increases every year – but the quality od service is sometimes low, therfore it is better to buy chineese bikes from a dealer who have good opinions.

    If you search for a Scrambler you can also choose Zontes, but is not cheap. The brand is sold acros Europe, and in Poland the distributor is Almot

    #37559 Reply

    Ciekawe czy Almot zrezygnował, czy KSR poszedł do swojego importera czyli 4cv?

    #37560 Reply
    Pedro Duque

    Thank you for the reply @Beniamin Mucha and @jas13.

    In Portugal we have this brands like bullit, mash, mutt and brixton. I think is also something relatively new in Portugal so the service sometimes can also be not so good, my friends said that there is better to buy in a dealer that also offers good service like you mention, so at the end I think is similar maybe with romet (the moto models are very similar) or brixton in Poland. My friends said the the motors are getting better as you mention and the 4t motors have good durability. I live in Gdansk and I hope soon I can find a dealer around here that sells brixton Motocykle 3 City Sp. z o.o I see this one have good opinion.

    In last case I might buy Romet Scmb 125 to start as they dont sell anymore romet ogar legend 125. I think around Gdansk they have some places with good service.

    One more question. 125 motos need to go to periodic inspeaction like the cars and if so the moto need to be like original without any changes? In Portugal for now there is no such a thing but they plan to implement this.

    #37564 Reply

    In case of tuning you can change anything, except change the engine for bigger ones, because there is some government regulation, which impede this procedure. And with the exhaust must be according to noise standards.
    In my opinion, Brixton and Zipp Scrambler look better than Romet Scmb, but it depends who likes what.

    #37568 Reply

    Hi Pedro, periodic inspections of bikes in Poland are not strict at all, if you have bd killer, all light bulbs and horn working… you passed, so dont worry. If you want scrambler type bike I agree with Beniamin, think about Zontes especially model 125 G1. As growing international brand zontes soon will not be able to accept service belowe some quality level, other pros are: quite strong user support on international mostly portugese speaking facebook group; and the quality of bikes is really well, and still not so expensive such as honda or yamaha are.
    Good luck when choosing your bike…. and dont warry about forum morons, who only want to make „talk-shit” everywere.

    #37571 Reply

    jas13 A co ciebie to obchodzi? Lizusie.

    #37634 Reply

    Don’t bother those polish idiots.

    To Answer your question, I’m planning to buy my first bike, 125cc, and after a lot o research I have only two options. First Yamaha XSR125, second Husqvarna Svartpilen 125. Both are great! Yamaha is a kind of new retro bike with all the things you need, and it has the best engine in class. It will be the fastest in class, as only Yamaha has variable valve timing. Husqvarna is one and only in its style, and it is KTM Duke in other skin. My choice Yamaha, especially, that my friend has just bought Husqvarna 🙂 But I think I prefer retro style. I still wonder which colour to choose, Yellow or Black 🙂 So good luck. Pozdrawiam

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